
Explore a range of tips and ideas here, covering everything from delicious recipes to beauty hacks!

Home Remedies for Whiter Teeth

Want whiter teeth but the products on the market today are loaded with chemicals?  Coffee and tea putting stains on your teeth making you feel unattractive?  Well, here are some natural remedies for uncovering those pearly whites.  Any of these remedies should work wonders. Home Remedy #1:  
Make a paste by mixing 
2 teaspoons of […]

Conscious Cooking: Raw Collard Green Salad

This highly coveted recipe is requested by many clients, friends, and family members.  This collard green salad is perfect for vegans, raw food enthusiasts, and anyone who loves veggies. It’s also my personal favorite dish to bring to events. When preparing this dish, engage all your senses and intuition, adding and mixing ingredients until the […]

Homemade Almond Milk

Ever thought about making your own Almond Milk but wasn’t sure how to do it?  Well, here is a simple recipe for making fresh, raw delicious almond milk which is a great alternative to cow, goat or soy milk. 1 cup Almonds with or without skins, soaked overnight* 3 cups filtered Water 2 Bananas or […]

Kale & Avocado Salad

Kale has become one of the most popular green leafy veggies in recent years. Probably due to it being one of the healthiest vegetables on the vegetable roster. This recipe is super delicious while capitalizing on the healing properties of Kale. Enjoy!! ! bunch Kale Greens 1 Avocado 2 tablespoons Liquid Braggs Amino Acid 1/4 […]

Apple Sauce

Here is a simple recipe to make your own delicious apple sauce. Enjoy! 3 Baking Apples, peeled, cored and chopped Purified Water 1 Tablespoon Maple Syrup (if desired) Place apples in blender on pulse setting and add liquid until the desired consistency is achieved. Add maple syrup to taste as desired. Benefits: Apples clean the liver, […]

Vibrant Live Soup

VIBRANT LIVE SOUP So its winter!  You want a soup full of nutrients but not overly cooked.  Well here you go!  A tasty bowl of yummy nutrients. 4 Kale leaves, with stems removed 1 Avocado, peeled, pitted, and diced 1 cup Sprouts 2 stalks Celery 1/2 small Red Onion 1 Garlic Clove 1 Cucumber, peeled […]

Greens with Artichoke Vinaigrette

Need to increase your leafy green intake?  Try this simple and tasty recipe.  Mmmmm delicious! Serves 8 | Preparation time – 10 minutes | Cooking time – 10 minutes INGREDIENTS 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil kosher salt and pepper 1 1/2 ounce jar artichoke hearts (packed in water or oil), […]

Cleansing with Mung Beans and Rice

Cleansing is almost a necessity when we transition from one season to the next.  In this time the immune system is compromised as the body attempts to transform and prepare itself for the times ahead. Their are different cleanses and fasts for each season.  Marika and friends of Glowing House love to “test” out many […]

“D” Replacement for the Sun!

Vitamin D is a powerful supplement to get us through this fall and winter season. It encourages the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorous.  With the onset of darker days we are receiving less sunlight which depletes human beings ability to promote sufficient vitamin D synthesis in the skin.  This is where vitamin D3 […]

20 Simple Things You Can Do to Improve your Health

In these times of increased conversations about health care, insurance, medical fees, deductibles etc. It appears to be more vital than ever before to take our health into our own hands.  Maintaining the vessel we have been given can be achieved through 20 simple actions to improve your health. 1.  Stop Eating Meat…(no offense).  You […]

If You’re Not Having 3 Bowel Movements a Day, You’re Constipated!

Ever wondered what causes disease?  Are there simple answers to alleviate constipation?  Here is one of my favorite articles written by Robert H Sorge N.D. Ph.D Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine on the importance of Three Bowel Movements A Day.   Ladies this is a great article to share with the men in your life.  Enjoy!!! […]

Water/Fat Soluble: Does It Matter?

Americans in 2020 spent over $35 billion on vitamins and herbal supplements.*  One in five U.S. adults used herbal supplements with 50% taking multivitamins.  Many also took individual supplements without truly understanding if they were receiving the desired benefits.  Vitamin supplementation is big big business.  It is often the preferred method used in an attempt to […]

Recharge Yourself!

We are entering into one of the busiest seasons of the year!  Many of us are working harder at the office to meet year end goals while also preparing for the many quickly approaching holidays.  We will need to maintain our energy while clearing our various “To Do” list’s.   Here is a Kundalini Yoga […]

Hot Quinoa Cereal

HOT QUINOA CEREAL This is a great seasonal dish sure to please!  It’s an easy recipe to make eating tasty, nutritious, warm and easy to digest. Here’s what LAURA KELLY has to say about this dish: “OMG never again will I eat oatmeal! I have found the perfect breakfast meal ever!  Beats any sort of […]

For the Love of Copper

In a recent move I reconnected with a great love….my Copper Pitcher.  While studying the principles of Ayurveda I became acquainted with the benefits of drinking water infused with the properties of copper.   I tried it and I was hooked!! Heath prevention in holistic terms means bringing balance to one’s whole life.  Water from […]

Enzymes: The Pathway To Digestion

Conversations about digestive enzymes have become more popular today than ever before. We look to supplement through pills and powders without understanding that everything we need is present in our food.  Let’s Talk About Digestion There are five stages in the process of digestion. Ingestion: Taking food into the mouth. Digestion: Breaking down food so it can […]

Four Ways to Feel Good in Your Body

There are four wellness avenues to revivify and feel good in your body besides changing diets and working out. A self-care system containing these wellenss avenues each month or at least every six weeks will bring balance, ease and flow to the body.  Compassionate Care with a Chiropractor Sitting in front of your computer all day or […]

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